Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How can someone work through severe job hopping. Finding excuses to quit or change jobs. What is a cause?

The person suffers with social anxiety and low self esteem.How can someone work through severe job hopping. Finding excuses to quit or change jobs. What is a cause?
What exactly do you mean by ';work through';? In therapy? Or trying to explain to a potential employer why the frequent changes in jobs?

It's hard to answer without knowing exactly what the question is.

Added: Thanks for the clarification, Kristie. I had the same problem, not because of social anxiety, but because of the work situation. If you like, you can read about it in my blog: .

I don't know what your home situation is, but the thing which kept me getting up and going to work most of the time when the situation was really bad was thinking about the money and how much I needed it. I just focused on ';this is my job, the money will pay for my needs as well as things I enjoy.';

I don't know exactly what kind of work you do, but there are jobs that minimize the amount of contact with the public or even other coworkers. Maybe you could focus on finding a job like that while you are working at your current job.

The other thing I wonder about is, do you have an ';enabler';? Are you living at home and have your parents to fall back on if you decide to quit your job? If you are *totally* responsible for supporting yourself, that can be a powerful motivator.

Good luck and feel free to email me to talk if you like. :)How can someone work through severe job hopping. Finding excuses to quit or change jobs. What is a cause?
sounds like commenment issues!

try going to to help with self esteem!

I swear by this site! it's free and helps the soul searching process!

I'm currently working on communications! hense i'm having issues myself! :)

just do yourself a favore and check out the site! I have passed this on to a ton of peeps! and everyone loves it! no matter what age you are or what the issues is you'll find that answer with in yourself with no one else with the quetsions here!

the only problem is where to start!


have fun with it!


Mad luv
Is your main job very repetitive? I find that sometimes when I start feeling major job burn out and I focus on a different aspect of my job for a while, I snap out of it. Try to mix it up a bit so it's not the same-old same-old. Or you might consider letting your boss know that you're interested in another position within the company, or that you're interested in training for a different role in the company (i.e. assistant manager, shift leader, etc.). Maybe you need more on your plate to keep you interested.
I switch jobs a lot but i realized it's becaues what I do is boring to me. It's a way for me to change it up a bit. This time though I'm changing careers. I quit in December!
For someone like that - temping would be a great solution - bc you are always sent to new job sites.
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