You failed to state your current rank, how many years of service and what you mean as unsuccessful!
If you are E-5 or under you will probably be honorable discharged with a 20-50% disability which will be upgraded higher as you get older.
If you are E-6 or above or might be given a choice to change to a non-combat mos or a honorable discharge with the same 20-50% disability.
It will really depend upon your final outcome after rehabilitation.
GOOD LUCK!Will I have to change jobs after knee surgery?
Best way to find out is ask the physical therapist who is rehabing you - they will have a pretty good idea of where you will end up.
Recently, a 70 year old lady who works as a nurse's assistant had bilateral knee replacement surgery. She couldn't afford to have them done one at the time, because she couldn't afford to take off work that long. She was back to work in two months. Needless to say her job requires that she be on her feet most of the entire shift, but she's doing okay.
She didn't, however, have any complications from the surgery. Why was your surgery unsuccessful? Did you get an infection or anything? Is it possible that the surgery needs to be redone? Most people aren't limited in what they can do once it heals properly. Talk to your doctor.
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