I work part time now and don't feel to badly. But When should I slow down or stop.
I;ll be standing , all the time. I even do the sweeping and shampoo's
I am not sure how the smell of products ie. hairspray,colors,perms are going to effect me.
Well thats some details.
I am also 42 years old and this will be my 3rd ... Still raising the 7 and 9 year old.(with my hubby)
let me know what you think.or what you know
thx. HairCI'm a hairdresser.How long should I work till or should I try to change jobs. ?
My hair dresser did hair up until the baby came out. She was 39.
She however didn't have swelling or any physical problems. I quit doing hair at 35 weeks due to swelling.
As long as you aren't sticking your face into a big bottle of developer you should be fine. I know so many woman who haven't had any problems and worked in the salon up until they gave birth.
I think it's really a personal choice, doing hair does put physical strain on your body.I'm a hairdresser.How long should I work till or should I try to change jobs. ?
If this is what you truly want to do why not stay at doing it. If its because your expecting, you will have to talk your job over with the owner/manager. Maybe they will allow you to sit at the front desk at the end of your pregnancy to keep you off your feet. If they wont work with you to do this maybe you should get another job if you need the income.
My sis was pregnant when going to cosmetology school full time. She went all the way up until a week before delivery and was fine. Just don't overdo yourself, if you are tired or sick go home or take a break. maybe they can let you be the receptionist or give you different duties for a while (putting up supplies, washing the towels, inventory) stuff like that.
I'm the child of a hair dresser and my best friend is one as well and she's in the delivery room as we speak.
My mom worked basically up until her delivery day with each of her three kids. My best friend's due date was Monday, and the last day she worked was last Friday - so she worked up to about 38.5 weeks.
One thing she did was to get a saddle stool and would sit when she was cutting hair. Beyond that, she just toughed it out.
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