We just found out my wife is pregnant, we believe she's ~5 weeks, appointment is in a couple weeks. Prior to this I was going to update my resume and start a new job search. I have 4yrs+ with my current employer with lots of vacation time built up and the precedent set to be able to take time off when the baby is born. The baby would not be on my insurance (wife's is better) nor do I have any benefits from my company regarding childcare.
I don't hate my job but I do believe it's time to move on. Besides more detailed things that aren't worth posting about, my hours and commute really tire me out.
My concerns with a new job would be a) unknown stability and b) the ability to take time off when the baby is born and how that looks to a new employer.
Does anyone who has been faced with this decision have any thoughts? Thank you for your input.My wife is pregnant, should I wait to change jobs?
You certainly have reason to question yourself on this matter. My advice to you is... when you find a job that you are wanting to work out, let them know up front that you and your wife are expecting and let them know what your plans are regarding time off. This way, there are no surprises for them down the road and you will already know if there is going to be any conflicts.
By the way, Congrats on the new baby!My wife is pregnant, should I wait to change jobs?
Well, I think if you really want time off when the baby comes then possibly you shouldn't leave. However, if you think you can find a job with less of a commute that will get you home to your wife and baby sooner then maybe the trade off in vacation time would be worth it.
Also, if you could find a higher paying job it might also be worth it.
Hard decision I know.
Congratulations though...that is so exciting!
If you are offered a new job you could negotiate some time off when the baby is born, although it may have to be unpaid. I don't think employers look down on this any more.
When I took a new job I had already planned a two week vacation. I told them that when they made the offered. I did say I would take the time unpaid.
Do your homework about a new company. How are they doing? Is there any chance of layoffs?
It may take noine months to actually find a new job, so it may not be a problem. Good luck with your decision. If you're not happy where you are, go for a change. Just remember new jobs are stressful at first and so are new babies!
Do NOT quit yet, you will need all those vaca days, use them up for the birth and right after the birth and get a little savings piled up too THEN start a new job. You can start the job hunting in a few months and just say that you are not available til a few months after the birth.
congratulations on becoming a daddy :)
my husband is in the same position you are in. he is going to apply for new work asap while the pregnancy is undemanding and he's going to mention that he is requesting october off work on paternity leave.
The REALITY here? -- there's no choice. If you weren't made An Offer -- there's nothing to balance or weigh. Tomorrow is the same, as yesterday, for you (so far).
You want to look, but you are not looking and are NOT in demand and being asked and balancing a Decision based on present-comfort.. because you haven't even been in front of the First HR department, etc. with this subject matter in mind. You're hand-wringing, and not acting. (Don't give yourself an excuse, by the way.) What else are you doing at night -- that you can't send resumes/letters and pitches, explanations, etc. and TRY to raise salary, your situation and career? Do it.
Your answer to this question?... You don't HAVE A NEW JOB... you are ';thinking about looking';... and there's a Big Difference. Seek a new job all you want, there's NO harm there... sending resumes, etc. (why not).. but, until you hear the words ';when can you start?'; -- you have NO DILEMMNA. And when you're speaking with someone pointedly, you don't HAVE to say a Word about any of this... but to feel out maybe a week, of flex-time, etc. (I had 1 day off for the 1st child, and 2 days for the 2nd one -- since they both were born on Holiday weekends!) You never know... are if you/she has family.. it will be easier than you realize. You just have to work WITHOUT MUCH SLEEP, which is what I've been doing for 7 years now, essentially. You will adjust, not matter where you are 8 months from now.
GL to you.
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