Monday, November 22, 2010

How will jobs change in the future due to ICT and technology...? we have the skills that are needed for these jobs!?How will jobs change in the future due to ICT and technology...?
more computers and stuff willl replace human jobsHow will jobs change in the future due to ICT and technology...?
Everything comes full circle, new ideas are never new but only new to the people who don't see what has gone before.Technology will not work without the power to make it work, do you really think that power will be here in 100 years?By then we will be using horses to plough fields, sowing seeds and reverting to ages long since past.I am not a religious nut, this is not decreed by anyone but i am sure fuel sources will be so low that we have to return to old ways of survival and technology will have no meaning or place in society above basic survival.I'm sure we will be a lot happier too, working for selves and not for others profits.

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