Saturday, November 20, 2010

How do I move out of state and change jobs at the same time?

I want to move from Maryland to Arizona, and I have a specific idea about where I want to live in Arizona, but there are three things that stop me from moving right now:

1. My current salary at my current job will not support me if I move to the place I want; I would constantly be over-drawing my checking/savings accounts just to pay the bills, much less buy groceries, and that's not good. Not to mention, my current job is at a Maryland-only based company.

2. I have no idea what jobs in that area would pay enough for me to keep up with bills and pay rent by myself (I prefer not to have roommates) on an apartment in my chosen area; all I know is that I don't want any jobs like any of the ones I've had before--and I've never had an actual career. The way I figure it, I would need to make at least $32,000/yr in order to support myself in the residential area that I want, but I don't even know which jobs to search for in the classifieds that would pay enough and still fit my personality.

3. With my current salary ($29,500/yr) I am unable to save much money quickly enough to make the move in any sort of timely fashion. Would I have to get a new, better paying, job here in Maryland and work there for a while (possibly years) to save money before I could move to Arizona, only to find another job out there?How do I move out of state and change jobs at the same time?
From what all you have stated, i would strongly advise you to defer your decision to relocate at least for some times now. Please try to enhance your educational qualifications, decide your future employment and with a well planned plan of action , you can relocate.How do I move out of state and change jobs at the same time?
Look for a job first. You don't mention what your degree is in...look via professional societies, job postings by geographic region etc. Once you find the job you move. Estimate expenses right now. Call a moving company and get estimates to move. You might find it cheaper to sell everything and buy furniture once you get out there. With any move you need money saved to pay for added expenses...beyond moving (which can run 10k+) you will have (if you are renting) first/last months rent, security deposit, deposit to turn on utilities, etc. etc. If you remain in Maryland for a while, yes look for a better paying job, work on updating your resume, perhaps find a part-time second job to save some money. But, find the job before moving. Never quit a job before you have another in hand. Good luck to you (retired IBM exec mgr/used to live in MD)

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