Which one do you like better and why?
If you don't remember Reagan look him up. Reagan was a true conservative, he believed in the power, justice, Liberty and freedom of the free market with limited government. He believed, the USA was the greatest country in history, with the near perfect constitution and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. He believe government was the problem and strict adherence to the constitution was the solution. He believed non democratic socialistic countries are or could become our potential enemies so he did everything in his power to destroy or limit the power of these countries. Reagan, Thatcher, and the Pope are most credited in the fall of the Soviet Union.
Liberals hated Reagan and still do today. They hated him because like Obama was so good at communicating to people like you the moderates and the independents. He inherited a rotten economy and turned it around creating millions of jobs and helped minorities and the poor more than any president before him or since. This made Reagan the biggest threat and biggest enemy to liberals, socialist, marxists and fascist. Reagan was so popular with the working class he received a majority of the Union vote.
Obama - A product of liberalism progressive, socialism, marxism, fascism, how ever you would like to describe him, He too convinced the moderates and independents to vote for him. In fact he used much the same language to communicate to the moderates and the working class. i in fact know several moderates who loved Reagan and voted for Obama because they thought they were similar. Now we can see the difference between a populist from the right and a populist from the left. Obama believes the government is the solution to all our problems, he believes the constitution needs to be fixed and changed, he believes the US is a country that needs to be changed and is inherently bad, he believes we have nothing to fear from the many dictators around the world.
Conservatives hate Obama, for much the same reasons as the Liberals hated Reagan. Obama has convinced the moderates that socialism is not so bad, that the government can help, that taking over the banks was necessary, that taking over the car industry is essential, that protectionist trade policy is the best way to protect jobs, that government run healthcare is the solution not the problem. We don't need more energy, we need more windmills.
Reagan and Obama have taken this country in opposite directions, so if you supported both of them, like many of my friends its now time to take sides. Obama is not a moderate, he is a radical left wing activist who wants to grow government, take over private industry and play nice with our enemies. Reagan would do the following economically right now. He would end the healthcare debate, he reform the tax code, he would give every individual a $2500 per year tax credit from healthcare, and a $500 tax credit for each child, the would tax employer paid benefits encouraging individuals to buy their own insurance, which would reduce the cost, make it more competitive, and make it portable (you would not lose healthcare coverage when you change jobs). He would put in place tort reform, he would close down fanny mae and Freddie mac that with the influence of the politicians were the reason we are in a recession now. He would not have bailed out the Wall street, he would have reduced government regulations on the auto industry and would let companies fail if they are not efficient. He would get 20 - 50 new nuclear power plants on-line within the next 10 years, he would allow for the use of clean coal, and oil drilling in Alaska, and off the coast.
And if history were to repeat itself North Korea and Iran would both have a popular upraising where democracy would win out over dictatorship without a shot being fired.
Okay Moderates its your chance to change the world, its your chance to move this country back to its roots of Jefferson, Adams, Smith, Washington, Lincoln, or more in the other direction towards, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc... Make your choice and make it a good one, pretend your life and your future depends on it, because it does!
Answer the questions quick because Obama's army run this website, they hate Reagan and love the direction this country is going in and they are dependent on the moderates staying out of the fight. This question will last in my estimate less than 60 mins.Moderates / Independents - The right gave you Reagan and the Left has given you Obama?
I'll take Reagan over odopey anytime.Moderates / Independents - The right gave you Reagan and the Left has given you Obama?
Reagan as a private citizen, and BEFORE the election, in contravention of both law and tradition, Reagan’s minions and handlers illegally negotiated with the Iranians to induce them hold the American Embassy hostages until after the elections,to embarrass President Carer and to prevent his successful negotiation of an “October Surprise.” Sent future VP George Bush, Sr., and future CIA chief William Casey to Paris to negotiate the deal.
Reagan used drug traffickers to transport illegal arms to Nicaragua, ignoring the contraband which was brought back on the return trip, creating a massive and immediate increase in cocaine trade in urban California. Illegally used the CIA to mine harbors and ferry Contra troops in Nicaragua. Eventually, several administration staffers were convicted of crimes ranging from lying to Congress to conspiracy to defraud the U.S. The scandal involved the administration selling arms to Iran and using proceeds from the sales to fund a guerrilla insurgent group in Nicaragua
Reagan sponsored right-wing, State terrorism in El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, and Guatemala against indigenous insurgents who were fighting the dictatorial, hereditary regimes there. Illegally invaded and occupied Grenada, overthrowing the democratically elected President
Reagan raised taxes 3 times. Obama has not but it's still early. They both need to/should of left Afghanistan alone.
the entire nation gave us Reagan.
Reagan %26amp; Kennedy 2 of the most respected and similarly freedom-loving minded presidents of the last 50 years!
Obama %26amp; Clinton %26amp; Nixon 3 of the least respected, most self-serving and individual rights encroaching presidents of the last 50 years!
Reagan did aide in stopping the cold war. He also increased our deficit to a staggering (at that time) trillion plus and clinton had to clean it up and balance the budget.
There are many, many innacuracies in what you are saying and the moderates have already spoken. The country is changing to a new direction and if you think it is bad now, you have not even glimpsed what is going to happen over the next 16 years with Obama president and then Clinton.
We will have a balanced budget, healthcare for all, and a good standing in the world. Then we will get satisfied again and make Jeb Bush our president and start a war with China or something over trade.
Just watch and see.
Hate brings only hate and negativity. I think the democratic party is one of common sense and not hate so in a spiritualistic sense karma and the law of attraction will keep them in power.
your assistant
We gave the country Reagan, we gave the country Obama, not the parties
Why does every Conservative American say Obama is a communist? Do you actually know what a Communist is? Ok ok America is naturally a conservative state. Democrats aren't nearly as left wing as the Liberal Democrats or even Labour. But seriously are you so misguided in your definition of left wing that you think Obama is a communist. You cite STALIN to compare him to?Unbelievable attitudes like this explain The Cold War.
Communism is a classless society. Communism promotes collectivisation and state industry above private growth. Obama has nationalised a few banks to stop them from losing YOUR money. That's not communist. He has tried to save jobs by helping the car industry. Again not communist pragmatic. Do you think Reagan letting businesses fail would have worked? Millions unemployed like Herbert Hoover's regime in the early 30's.
Do you know what? In the UK we have a National Health Service. Oh my god its been like that for 50 years have we all turned communist? No we're actually at the most conservative Labour party in its history. And your comment about Obama's Army just sums it up really. Why do you call his supporters an army? Because it threatens you? What about Reagan ruthlessly crushing Nicaragua i call that threatening. Obama wants to change America - with its reputation as a bully with ';enemies'; as you kindly stated to a state altogether more genial. What's so wrong with that?
I did not vote for Reagan, I was a Democrat at the time.. but today, I would take him over Obama any day of the week.
I did not have to doubt if Reagan had American interests first and foremost on his mind.
With Obama.. first of all I don't even know if he is American.. and secondly I do think he is a communist.... No I don't like Obama.. didn't from the very first. Too slick..and too many bought the lies... Sad.. really sad.
Reagan and many other real good American president will be turning in their graves.
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