Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I changed jobs and now work at home from my home office. The other moms at the bus stop don't shower....?

Our subdivision is full of stay-at-home moms and many are friends with me, but I find it so crazy that they don't take the time to shower before we all take our kids to the bus stop (our kids go to a Charter school outside of our distict and the bus is required to pick them up..were not just being lazy) They catch the bus a 8:40...I have enought time to get my two kids dressed and fed and help my husband get out the door and shower myself (and I'm 6 months prego!) I'm not trying to say I'm so fresh and so clean but is that how other stay at home moms are? Why is that?I changed jobs and now work at home from my home office. The other moms at the bus stop don't shower....?
not all ppl are like that .. i wont go out of my house unless i am, clean and dressed nice and make up and all that... but alot of ppl dont care what they look like. i have seen ppl in the stores with pajamas on and slippers.. i just cringe.. i understand your question completely.I changed jobs and now work at home from my home office. The other moms at the bus stop don't shower....?
If you could read you would see that the mothers and women here are giving you options to open your closed mind. If someone smells badly possibly they have health problems and are on medications.

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I am not a mother I am a busy person who works hard and has very dry skin such that showering before I work in the yard will only cause my skin to be dryer. You might loose out on having a really nice friend like me who may be standing next to you because you lack comprehension

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Let's say you have a child who is disabled such that before you can take care of yourself in the morning to get them off to school you have to sponge bathe and dress the child get it into a wheel chair then get three other children off to school on a different bus.

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Maybe some days she is stinky because the tube she was feeding him from did not work good and backed up on her or spilled but I admire a woman who looks like a million dollars most of the time who refused to send her child off to be cared for.

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So ok we are stinky sometimes most of the time all of the time but we probably do more for people than pass judgement all the time. Then look for support in our limited experience comprehension. God forbid you should be in our shoes and not in your perfect ones for one day.

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Maybe they don't really care what people think of them that early in the morning. I know I don't. Props to you for getting showered and ready but not everyone is like that. When I have a day off I don't really get dressed and ready until about noon. (unless I have to be somewhere) Maybe they are more concerned with other things. No biggie!
Dear, really, what business of yours is that?
sumtimes it can be stressing wit kids and u spend most a ur time wit the kids and other stuff 2 get THEM ready then u barely have any time 4 urself take this advice from sum1 who has a very uncooperative sister or MAYBE u get up earlier than others and they get up later oh well ull never get the exact answer only if u get it from the parents
I have health problems from the military so I do not work much now and learned alot over time about showering first thing in the morning and each time I get dirty. I use to clean up before and after work. I have never been a stay at home person until now. Today I want to do some yard work. Why should I shower before cleaning my house, doing yard work, taking out the trash. If I intend to go anywhere else I shower and clean up. But why repeat it because I know the minute I start cleaning my clothing will get dirty, and so will I adding extra work to my day and laundry. There is nothing like cooking 10 pounds of chicken quarters I thawed out then cut up to save money as we do not have it to spend at a restaurant anymore for 4 hours along with other food to go with it to make one realize that it was ignorant to shower, and clean up the kitchen extremely well to realize well that was a waste of time I have to do it all over again.

Do you really think when I had dirt all over me from doing the yard work to save money and I found I needed something for the yard that is pleased me to run into a friend at the local discount store with all that dirt all over me smelling bad. The first thing I told her is that I am doing the yard and needed something for it that is why I was so dirty. But I am sure no one else in that store considered the fact I ran out of a product while doing the yard and thought the same thing about me who had never been so unfortunate. Add kids to that which I do not have makes another time demand. When a person works there is so much that can be paid for that is more time saving. Take away even a few hours of pay and see how much a mother has to do to make ends meet. I just did a bunch of craft products for a friend who is poor who needs an operation who has 5 children. She just wants to spend the money so I did everything by hand to show her how to do a party inexpensively. It would have been cheaper and faster to spend a few bucks but she needs to learn with 5 kids that there are things one can do to cut corners. We are going to the park where the kids can play. I bet it will blow her mind to see some of the things I made. I cheated a little bit and bought some old barbies I dressed up myself at a Goodwill. With five kids do you really think she has the time to always look good? Her kids are clean, her house is clean, but sometimes her clothing is in need of being changed or she needs a shower because she puts them first but before the daddy is home she is always cleaned up with dinner on the stove for him. Honey that may be their work clothes they have on. Mine have paint, stains etc. on them and even after I shower and change often these clean work clothes get put on. And if I have to run to the store to get something oh well. One woman had the gaul and audacity to be ugly about me when I went to lunch while landscaping once and I said to the worker who was talking to a shopper at the grocery store I use to be a substitute teacher until I turned in a principal who was having children alone in the office. They retired him and fired me making me sound like a pedifile so I could not testitfy in court if anything happened. They were both mothers and promptly quit saying snide things next to me about how I was dressed and how dirty I was. Then I added to it someone is needed to do the yard work of rich people around here. And this is all truth. Until someone tells you what is going on you will think we are lazy and dirty people because that is how media portrays people rather than we are hard working people.

And as to the gown and slipper thing my single mother friend with two children has said if I needed something in the middle of the night and my children were sick I went in slippers to find out it is comfortable. Locally in a rich area of Destin the young girls purposely go shopping in their slippers and sleep clothing because it is consider something to do in the later hours. They look very cute all dressed up talking to each other and shopping in the later hours of the evening to early night. These are young tourist girls here doing it. If you did not look closely you might just think these are regular clothing but I know the difference because I see them during the day and know they would never be caught dead in fluffy flipper type shoes like they wear and occassionally one wears really obvious slippers so it points out they are all dressed for sleep soon.

If I had not sent my nice slipppers like these girls wear to my sister in Denmark because it is so warm here or the dog got the other pair as they say it is very comfortable to shop in slippers as I like to go later to avoid the crowds at the stores I might be wearing slippers too but I wear flip flops which are my house shoes and comfort shoes along with slipppers. The older I get the more I am into comfort than looks.

Don't knock slippers until you try them and some are so pretty along with look so much like shoes you would be surprised how many people actually wear them shopping - at least here locally as we have stores open 24 hours especially during tourist season on the beaches.

I am waiting for the heat to decrease in my old clean shorts and shirt that have stains on them if I get a call from a friend or relative who may have a babysitting emergency etc. I will leave the house like this then come back like this then after the dirt and leaves are up then I will shower and change before I go to a friends whom I planned to help out which then turned into an invite for entertainment as she is doing better and does not need help filling out paperwork because she is doing better from having chiropractic on her neck for an accident where a big truck hit her with her two children in the back of the car. This is the single mother who goes shopping occassionally late in slippers. You never know what is on someone she has serious nerve damage now added to her responsibilities that she is fighting the insurance companies over who want her to accept alot more and think as she is a single mom without a car now she will accept alot less than it will take to help her fix her health etc. For that reason she has borrowed a car. No compassion with car insurers for an accident from an irresponsible truck driver who was on a cell phone at the time of the accident not paying attention to who was in front of him much less that the light turned red. Oh by the way he did not admit he was talking on a cell phone while driving which is illegal here but he admitted it was his fault. How could he do anything else?
kudos to you! but some of us other moms are struggling to get out the door with just our 2 kids ready. Really, seriously, it takes me a long time to get my two up and ready(0 and 2) and then the extra time of getting into the car can sometimes make me late for my gym class that starts at 9! I myself am appalled but it is not like I am being lazy or anything it just takes me a long time.
Get your nose out of the air, not everyone is as PERFECT as you are. Maybe they don't feel it necessary to look like a fashion model at the bus stop!!
Maybe they dont get up as early as you do and dont think that they need to shower while making sure that there kids and husbands are getting ready and out the door....Some people like to shower early some like to shower later
Everybody has different schedules, and different times when we do things. When I was a stay at home mom, I used to get the kids off to school, then take time for myself while things were quiet. That was when I took time to shower, and do other ';me'; stuff, when there were no demands on me. Get off their case.
do you understand what has just happened with the right of habeus corpus in America? i ask this, tho you may not think it's related, because some people are more into reading and learning than making sure they're showered before they take the kids out. Other people may want a nice leisurely shower once the kids are gone. Others may plan gardening or washing the dog after the kids go.

sounds to me like you feel a little intimidated in your new environment and you are the type to put down others in order to feel better. you should grow up, cause you'll enjoy yourself and others a lot more.

It's hunky dory wonderful that you are able to meet your personal standards of grooming by 8 in the morning, even being pregnant, but you know what? other people find this thing that is so important to you insignificant.

in fact, those smelly moms might be wondering how you will be able to give enough time to your upcoming newborn with your obsession on routines, cleanliness, and still working. they might wonder why you don't know fascism has come to america, but you're freshly showered.

see,everyone's got opinions and attitudes. yours is pretty silly and will get in the way of making human connections.
Most days I get up and shower before the kids get up but I know that some days I'm going to be cleaning or just want to sleep to the last possible minute so I don't always get my shower til I get home from dropping my kid off. I wouldn't ever go in somewhere without one though! ;-) But really it isn't your business when someone gets their shower.
why does it matter? is impressing the Joneses( in this case you) the priority or getting the kids prepared for the day fed and off to school? you don't know what else they have to do and when .and not everyone is so organized as you. or a morning person..

are they Nice people? good moms?.

maybe concentrate on things far more important than the lack of designer wear at the bus stop.
only God can judge them !!!!
Some people just aren't morning people.
You DO have a lot of extra time on your hands to actually wonder about the hygiene of others - I think you need a hobby instead of thinking about why others don't shower the exact time you do.
First off, your routine my alter once you have the third

baby. Some Moms would rather take at night after kids

go to bed or maybe after kids go to school. I use to put them in front of TV and take my shower, the ones that

stayed home! And once they all went to school, then I always took before they left for school, because I would

go out and do errands.
They get lazy, I guess.
We're not all morning people! I would rather shower after I've taken time to do the morning dishes, pick up, make beds, etc. I also go to the gym in the morning, and definitely won't shower before that. I would never go an entire day without a shower, but I rarely take one before 10 or 11 in the morning.
How do you know that they didn't shower the night before? You know many people do that, so they don't have to go to bed dirty.

What makes you think that they are not dressed up to your standards? I mean that is how your question makes it seem you feel.

If I was just taking my kid to the bus stop, I certainly wouldn't get all dolled up just for the other moms. Maybe the time that you spend in the shower and getting dressed, they are cooking a big breakfast, or fixing their daughters hair really cute, or who knows what.

Point is, if a mom is not going outside of the house other than to the bus stop, maybe they don't care what they look like.
Why is it that people continually stick their noses in other people's business and look for reasons to criticize?

Is it that they need attention?

Is it that they need to put someone else down to make themselves feel better or superior?

Is it that they really need to find better things to entertain themselves with?

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