Look at the education and ';soft'; skills that are required for the new field. Have any of your past positions required those same soft skills? Do you have any of the relevant education? Might try to get more of the relevant education, and play up my soft skills on the resume... don't lie or falsify any information, just emphasize those skills sets that fit with the new career.
Emphasize your maturity and proven work record in applying the skills that fit the new career. It's perfectly OK to say you want to be in a more people-oriented career field... just don't rash your current career or employer.
These days, many people are switching careers. Until about the early 20th century, most people didn't live much past their early to mid-forties (except wealthier people). Back then, many people showed advanced symptoms of what we today consider to be ';old-age'; diseases by their early forties. The idea of a single lifetime career is outmoded, go for it!How can I convince employers that I want to change career and that I am the perfect candidate for the job?
Answer yourself! You WANT A Future Employer to CONSIDER you Serious, when you ask; ';Should I Be Honest?'; Let's See... A Lie IS A Good Character Trait? You WANT me (Emplyoer) to TAKE you Serious about your Change In Career, WITH this ';P*ss-Poor'; Character-Trait? If I ';Half - A**'; IT and/or LIE, they'll HAVE to take me Serious about my Decision... Afterall, I AM????? Follow me? Your Character and Attitude ';Sticks-Out Like A Sore Thumb!'; You WANT anyone to take you Serious about anything; Then IT had better Start with YOU! You MAKE or BREAK You; No one else can do that! Wanting to change careers SHOULD-BE ';POSITIVE, WILLING, EAGER, and Full of DESIRE;'; Not some ';BS'; (Bull-Sh*t) or ';Half-A**'d P*ss-Poor'; Quality or Excuse of your so-called Desire!
You really want to change? PROVE just that! You HAVE To EARN that change, along with EVERYTHING Else! Being Dishonest and/or Lying has taken you real far in Life, and Helped you in your current career? If so, PLEASE tell us all in advance, of this new customer oriented job that you WANT, so we'll know NOT to expect ANY ';Service'; from you! That's only Fair; Or do you WANT me to Lie to you? ATTITUDE and CHARACTER can/does Make or Break you.... CHOOSE Wisely! Employers ARE!!!
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