Can someone explain how women are nurturers?
Men are nurturers.Women are weak creatures who need a man to nurture them.
Even wikipedia says it
';Society has different rules with regards to the way that men and women are supposed to express themselves. Men are generally regarded as the ones who are supposed to give comfort and strength. If they break down, cry, or seek comfort they may lose face. Women and other men do not give men an option to express feeling sad, tired, weak, depressed, inadequate, needy, or lonely without sacrificing their masculinity.';
Part 1: Friendliness
Women are more insecure and harder to deal with. Even women admit it. They resort to emotional blackmail and men have to deal with PMS. Yet when men are suffering from IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome) we are told we are jerks if we act out. Men also have hormonal cycles and times of up and downs.
Part 2:Emotions
Women by far express more vulnerability. Men give more comfort Women receive it. But in general we are equally emotional. Why do women get comforted if both had bad days at work? Why should women be treated with more care, compassion and attention? We have an equal amount of emotional needs? Why not give men more compassion, attention and care ? No one in society does. Women only want a sensitive man if he is sensitive to her needs but doesn't have problems of his own. Men are the ones who show more love and compassion. Women show more weakness and vulnerability.Can the situation be reversed?
Part 3: Strength
Men are the strength during a time of crisis. They are the pillar of strength.They are the ones women lay into for strength.
Part 4: Affection
Women give less affection. The man always holds the woman. The man hugs the woman. The man kisses her forehead. The man lets the woman lie in his lap and caresses her hair. A woman is never the more affectionate one.
Part 5: Giving
Men by far give more in terms of everything(gifts, massages you know it).
Part 6: Cheating
Women are forgiven for cheating more often. When a woman cheats and is forgiven the man works harder to satisfy her needs. If a man is forgiven he undergoes emotional blackmail and domestic violence. A cheating man gets hit and kicked out of their house. A cheating woman does not.
Part 7: Heroes
Women still expect heroes who are strong, compassionate, very protective with hearts of gold but women very rarely play this role in return.
Part 8: Borrowing stuff
Women borrow men's stuff. But men don't borrow women's clothes and stuff. This includes ipods, headphones, videogames, DVDs, drinks, food,household products, toiletries. Men don't get anything to remember their woman by because men are more thoughtful.
Part 9: Nurturing
Men would come over in the middle of the night to comfort or take care of their spouse or get her medicine at 2 am. Women wouldn't. Women get more pampered when sick. Men cook,clean and bake. Men give more gifts. Anniversaries, birthdays and valentines are all abut women. Men cook Thanksgiving dinner while women sit around and drink. Men adjust the temperature to her liking and would give up their umbrella. Men get her water in the middle of the night and serve her first.
Part 10: Financial Security
When has a woman every supported her man financially if he wanted to change jobs or go back to school?
Women benefit more from relationships.Can a woman ever be the man's emotional protector AND strength?
If (a big one) all of what you say is true, then the tail side to the coin you describe is men being the leader. Women receive a lot. Men give a lot. What do men get in return? Leadership. The right to lead. The leadership of course would have to be for the woman's benefit or the equation again wouldn't balance. Men shouldn't lead and expect to benefit from it too. That wouldn't be fair.
The person who leads should always come last.
I will say that you are pretty doggone wrong about a lot of the generalizations that you use. Women are generally much better at nurturing than men are. I'd have to say that you still have some figuring out to do.
You should take a partner dance class like swing, country, salsa, ballroom, etc. Seriously. It will really teach you how women and men are meant to act. Plus it's fun and challenging, and you meet a lot of women. And you get to be good at something women really value, dancing.Can a woman ever be the man's emotional protector AND strength?
What a formidable rant, asshole! Are you trying to mimic the yapping feminists here?
As for your question, the answer is 'sometimes'.
I don't know what kind of experience you had with your mother ; but it =was certainly not a nice one ; and about your description of woman ; well you do not know a woman
I far prefer God's determination of men's and women's roles. People buck it and rebel against it, but it's futile. It is what it is.
Embrace it and enjoy it!
Men have their strengths and weaknesses, and women have theirs!
I love it when women and men rise to all that they can be according to the Lord's direction! It is harmony and beautiful!
Of course.
Please know I read only your question; the rest seemed irrelevant or else you're tooting your own horn to a choir who doesn't care.
The minute I read ';Women are weak creatures who need a man to nurture them.'; I've decided not to read on.
But to answer your question YES! My mother is a great example. She is my hero. I prefer her over my father.
did anyone actually read all that
that the longest Q ive ever seen
yes! women can and do. i am my husbands emotional protector and strength. and i don't mind it. when i am having emotional or other problems in my life my husband is my emotional protector and strength. in other words we are when needed to be each others emotional protector and strength. we complement each others weak spots and strong spots and offer each what they need when they need it. we are not only married but we a couple in every sense of the word. that is why we have been married 34 years.
Yes, a lot of men see their wives or their mothers and their emotional protectors and strength.
My wife is mine. So that would be a big yes.
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