Jobs via government grant programs have already sky-rocketed. The grant money that these 'Man-did-it' global warming scientists are scrambling for has been dramatically increasing for several years. Their 'doom and gloom' message will continue until the golden goose is used up.
When the money is gone, some of them may actually get back to some HONEST science based on facts and not financial politics.How will climate change effect jobs?
everyone will die
We'll have to spend hundreds of billions dealing with coastal flooding and damage to agriculture. That will hurt, like any disaster does. More here:
Global warming is caused (or believed to be caused) by modern industrial society burning so much coal, oil and natural gas which releases millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the air. The only known way to stop releasing all that carbon dioxide is to stop burning coal, oil and natural gas. Now obviously most jobs depend on burning that coal, oil and natural gas, and if we stop all those jobs go away. Coal is widely used to make steel and generate electricity. If we stopped burning coal we would not be able to make steel or electricity (although some electricity is made by nuclear or hydroelectric and that could continue). Obviously that would destroy millions of jobs, any job that needs steel or electricity. And of course oil is used to power all kinds of transportation, like trucks and airplanes and ships and trains and farm tractors, in addition to cars. Without oil then all those transportation jobs are gone. And all the benefits of the transportation like the ability of most people to live in cities far from farms and the ability to live far from work or school or shopping, where far is any distance more than a couple miles. Without modern transportation large cities could not function and we would have to abandon them to go back to living in small communities near farms. This is in fact the ultimate goal of the most extreme environmentalists, all people living in small communities near farms.
yes it will for example if you are a marine biologist and global warming affects the ocean you can see majore things happen
Hillary says that she will produce green jobs.
If governments buy into it, many people will suffer, especially the poor. Check out the Kyoto treaty. See what a shining success that is becoming.
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