look on the website entitledto.co.uk there is a calculator there that will tell u if u can and if ur able to claim anything else even housing benefit and council tax benefit. its not possible to say how much as it depends on yr age and how many hours u work and how much u earn. there is also a calculator on the inland revene tax credit website that will tell u. ps if ur single and under 25 i dont think u can claim in case this answers yr question immediately. good luck.Can I Claim Working Tax Credits while still living at home?
Good question! Honestly I doubt it, but I would look into it. The calculators online will deal only with income and use your marital status to decide your living arrangements so may not be accurate. The last thing you want is to be told you qualify, apply then be told in a years time you didn't qualify and asked to pay it all back.
The income threshold is for the household, so it might include your parents income.... the form isn't designed for your situation unfortunately. If you're over 25 I would phone and ask (0845 300 3900) but be prepared for a long wait while managers and technical advisors are brought in (tell them your credit is about to run out - you might get someone nice who'll say they'll get a manager to call you back.)
yes you will be able to claim working tax credits, you have to contact the tax office, you can get all the info online. working tax credits is not not linked to the benefits agency so theres no reason why you living at home or what your parents have as income would affect it
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