Monday, June 6, 2011

How can my wife and I live in a clean safe house that we can modify as required by her illness?

Also in other catagories

We have no savings, and our credit rating is getting worse each month, because I am not paid enough even if I work OT, and everything is so expensive.

We don檛 live to excess, we need special food that she is not allergic to, we need to run air filters, we need to make co-pays for her appointments with specialist.

I don檛 dare change jobs because of the insurance.

Can we just get rid of the rich people so the rest of us can get what we need.

She has not been officially diagnosed. We know she is sick and getting sicker, but other than Celiac, we don't know if she has Lupus, RA or something worse. We believe it is lupus, but there is no help until it is official, even if they are just not ruling out the more devastating options.How can my wife and I live in a clean safe house that we can modify as required by her illness?
It sounds like you are doing as much as you can. You can also maybe speak with your benefits person at work at maximize how you use your health plan. sometimes they have accounts where you set aside money to pay for medical expenses before taxes. You can also try to write or call the pharmaceutical company that makes the medicine your wife is on and ask if they have a program to assist you with the cost. You might also ask her doctor if he has any free samples of that medication or is there any other medicine that is less expensive.How can my wife and I live in a clean safe house that we can modify as required by her illness?
You can still change jobs but you'll have to maintain coverage through Cobra so that there is no lapse.
I feel bad for you and your wife. Our country needs to develop a health plan for every american citizen. There has to be an answer to our medical situations. It makes me sick. I have been in a simular situation as yours. I had to go on disability with my company. Until I couldn't work they paid my insurance for me. NOW I have to pay $440.00 per month for cobra. No other companies will give me the coverage I need.

That's why I am so hateful toward our government. I think it is simply awful that we spend the money on war and other countries. People in the U.S. are in poor shape, take care of your own first. Everyone says if we don't fight other countries they will be over here after us. GOOD, when you see the jerks enter, then kill them off. I loved when they were worried about ';weapons of mass destruction'; in the beginning of the mess. Then we see on T.V. they were fighting us by throwing rocks at us....................I think we live in a sorry state of affairs.

And I say, BULL PUCKY!!!! Help your own people first and don't worry about other countries.

Sorry to vent on you, but there is no way you should have such a low paying job and all those health issues with your wife.

You cannot possibly live on $7.00 per hour or even $10.00 an hour, I don't know how people make it. It takes two full time paychecks to make a meager living. People continue to have children. I don't know how they can afford to take care of them.

In the next election I am voting for whoever comes up with something we can believe on a health plan for everyone. I don't care if it's Scooby Doo, they will get my vote........

Much Luck to you and your wife and may God Bless you and help you.

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