Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How long do I have to be a storekeeper in the US Navy?

I scored a 56 on my asvab...I am not satisfied with that because it got me a storekeeper job in the US Navy...I will retake that test again and score much higher so I can qualify for a more better job...Hmmmm, how long do I have to be a storekeeper until I can change jobs?How long do I have to be a storekeeper in the US Navy?
2 years from end of A school.How long do I have to be a storekeeper in the US Navy?
actually the ASVAB score is not the basis for the job...

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You probably don't have to retake the ASVAB, a 56 usually means good line scores, which are what qualifies you for jobs... A 56 should USUALLY get you in the door for a good number of jobs... I can't speak about the Navy, but in the Marine Corps, the book answer is 2 years, in reality, it will be when you re-enlist.
Dang! that score seems pretty high to me compared to a 35.
From the time the application for a military school

or job is made out and sent in to headquarters, maybe about 6 weeks ar the most!!

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