Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How does a 36 year old female make friends?

I guess that sounds like a stupid question, but I'm going crazy here! It seems as though every friendship I have had has been with coworkers. The relationships seem to fizzle when I change jobs.

I'm getting ready to start a new job and want to be open to the possiblity of new friendships, but I don't want to get hurt again. Any suggestions about how to be open to opportunities without allowing myself to be hurt?How does a 36 year old female make friends?
I always found that going back to school and taking some courses is a great way to make friends if you have the time.How does a 36 year old female make friends?
Go to bars, places were alot of people socialize. =]
Hi :)

first , u can accept me as friend if u like ,

Just be urself , try to talk to people with ur normal character , but dont be sooo kind or sooo naughty , just be normal ,

And after a while u will notice who is good and who is bad ,

Wish u the best , and to have a lot of new friends , take care

ur friend

Be friendly, not overly agressive, have a sense of humor, be yourself and that should attract alot of friends!

Good Luck!
I know it is difficult, but try and make friends outside of work. don't get me wrong...friends from work are ok too. but like you said. they usually fizzle after you change jobs. so try and make friends outside of work. do you have kids? maybe you can make friends with one of your childrens parents. or go to a park with the kids and meet other parents. if you dont' have kids.. join a bowling team or something. join myspace. it is a great place to meet friends. go to my site on myspace. i'll be your friend. http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseac
Friends at work are just people you know. That school idea was a good one. Also, be active in clubs and other activities that are outside the work place. I've always found that once I quit a job, the people I knew at work simply fade away with time. Other than what goes on at work, you may not have that much in common. Sure, casual conversations from everyday events sound good to those at work.But most people, myself included, cannot count how many true friends they have on one hand. Only persistance will prevail here. You sound like you know how to make friends. You probably don't really need any advice as it is. G'luck!
try volunteering in your community...

very rewarding and you will meet all sorts of good hearted people.
Just try to be kinda warm-blooded and more social,and don't be afraid of getting hurt or u will be! You know thats in us,I mean getting hurt or not to get hurt.
I am 35 years old and I would suggest joining various workshops and groups locally in things that interest you. Whether it's reading, cooking, business courses, dance classes or social clubs you will connect with like-minded people with a common interest.

The more networks you can gradually build the less you will be attached to each and also to strenghten yourself from getting hurt if people don't always respond or continue friendships when you wish to a course on meditation, yoga, positive thinking or networking skills will help you to feel more independant and empowered.

I recently moved and made friends in the local area this way and also regularly drinking in the same venues you gradually get to know people there but that may not be your thing.

Good luck and take it easy!! Sometimes time on our own too can be very rewarding in understanding ourselves and working towards goals - strengthening our spirit as it were!

How long do I have to be a storekeeper in the US Navy?

I scored a 56 on my asvab...I am not satisfied with that because it got me a storekeeper job in the US Navy...I will retake that test again and score much higher so I can qualify for a more better job...Hmmmm, how long do I have to be a storekeeper until I can change jobs?How long do I have to be a storekeeper in the US Navy?
2 years from end of A school.How long do I have to be a storekeeper in the US Navy?
actually the ASVAB score is not the basis for the job...

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You probably don't have to retake the ASVAB, a 56 usually means good line scores, which are what qualifies you for jobs... A 56 should USUALLY get you in the door for a good number of jobs... I can't speak about the Navy, but in the Marine Corps, the book answer is 2 years, in reality, it will be when you re-enlist.
Dang! that score seems pretty high to me compared to a 35.
From the time the application for a military school

or job is made out and sent in to headquarters, maybe about 6 weeks ar the most!!

How do you know when its time to look for another job?

I want to change jobs. What can I do to make sure its right?How do you know when its time to look for another job?
When you feel that the job is no longer a challenge, or that you can advance no further in your career, for whatever reason.How do you know when its time to look for another job?






If you want to change jobs, then it's time to look for one. There is no fool-proof way to do this, you've just got to put yourself out there and start looking. Try and set up interviews on your lunch hour, or try and arrange several for one day, then take it off from the job you already have to go to them. Good luck.
when you kick and scream on the way there
if your not happy with current job then start to look around. if you are always thinking about doing something else then its time for a change. you cant do current job well if you really want to be doing other things. if you are no longer happy when you wake up. these are all good ways to tell you need a change! GOOD LUCK!!
As a Career Counselor, I would tell you to make sure you have another one...It's always easier to get a job when you have one then when you just get frustrated and quit. Additionally, go find out what it is you really want to do. You should go to your local employment office and ask about Workforce Investment Act Services. They are free and can help to guide you in a career choice in what are called demand occupations. If you don't have time to do that; go to the Department of Labor web site: http://www.careeronestop.org It has many wonderful tools to help you decide your next career and allows you to explore what it takes to do them (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities).
There are several clues as to when you need to look for a job.

1-When you go to and from work with loose bowels.

2-When your supervisor of 5 years knows your wifes name but not yours.

3-When at least outsiders have been hired at more money and your supervisor asks you to train them as they know nothing.

4-when at least 3 people have been hired with no skills because they are minorities and must earn more money under our gracious federal govt's butt kissing plan. And you are to train them to be your boss.

5-When you discover you are actually not in a foreign country , you are just the only one who can speak english.

6-when your companies requires yu to learn to speak spainish to keep your job so you can train the mexicans who are replacing your co workers and probly eventually you too.

7-When you are required to be tested to acheive the increased pay scale the company just hired 6 new guys at to start with. (and the company offers to send you to school on your time to enable you to pass the test which they were not required to pass).

8-When you see an advertizment in the local papers for for some one to fill the same type positions as you are now doing and they are offered an incinitvie to sign bonus of $4000 and several dollars more an hour.

9- When you discover some employees are getting more vacation time than you but have less empoyment time.

10-When you discover there ar eneary as many new supervisors as there ar eemployes actually working and they are remarkablely a lot darker than you are. (could be the weather?).:):)

11-When your new neissan you brought for saving gas requires 40 bucks a wek to operate(your old gas gussing chevy cost 20 two years a go) but your paycheck isn't any higher in the gross. and much less in the end.

12-When the company announces your insurance companyis being changed due to rate increases they imposed. Than th erates go even higher and your life insurance increase every year instea dof every 5 years. You later find out your company i snow insuring you also but will be using an insurance company as a book keeper. you are now paying both your company and the insurance company for the same thjing you were paying just the insurance company but at a much higher rate. (many companie sare now doing this for profit at their employees expense.).

If yu are unhappy.

If you have been employed at the same company fo r5 years or more and have not made noticible imnprovements in salary or been offered a promotion than move on.

If your company offers educational benefits than grab it because it's nearly a gurantee that in the future new management will force you out to bring in his own butt kissers.

Only education and multi job skills can work for you in todays job environment. Few Comnpanies have no idea of loyality to employees they expect form employees.

It's a fact that you will probly move several times in yur career or even annually otacheive any salary range.
search for work in the area that really turns your crank, regardless of pay. you just can't be any happier than when your workiing at something you truely love doing.

What kind of jobs could I get after being an Army Linguist?

What kind of jobs have you been able to get afterwords, that still entailed a linguist skill or knowledge? Also, how would my job change if I became an Officer after my language training? Thanks.What kind of jobs could I get after being an Army Linguist?
you can work at taco bell.What kind of jobs could I get after being an Army Linguist?
Most companies that have international offices need translators.

Use this link to see what options you'll have. Plus: develop your work skills not just a job title. Think of transferable skills.
this is very good source !!!
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  • Any ideas for a change in jobs/career?

    Ok, how do you decide what to do with the rest of your life, as far as jobs are concerned? I have no talent and need to make a move to learn a trade or something to not only make some money but enjoy what I do? Any ideas?!Any ideas for a change in jobs/career?
    A job hunt is just a job hunt until we come to that point in our lives where we want to set our feet upon a new path. When the traditional job hunt doesn't work very well at all. A life changing job hunt requires a different approach. You are contemplating a radical shift in direction.

    Career planning is a deliberate process of knowing WHO we are so that we can be sure WHERE we want to go or WHAT we want to be at some defined point in the future. It involves an analysis of career/job options that are new to you. Career analysis is based on accurate, valid and timely information from --- reading, interviewing primary resources persons and direct observation of those persons while doing their job.

    Here are some sites that can help you plan your career.

    Job Hunters Bible - My favorite. I have taught their system to hundreds of people with great results. Richard N. Bolles, America's dean of Career Consultants, heads the company and is also the author of the book, 'What Color Is Your Parachute.' This book should be available in your public library.






    Careers for the 楶eople Person?br>

    U. S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook


    The Princeton Review Career Quiz - Free. A brief 24-part questionnaire related to the Birkman Method, with intriguing career suggestions.


    The RHETI Test - Free. Related to the Enneagram


    Tests for Sale

    Analyze My Career - Aptitude tests, personality tests, occupation interests, entrepreneurial index.


    John Holland's Self-Directed Search


    Other Career Tests and Sites





    Peace and every blessing!Any ideas for a change in jobs/career?
    Well, if you have no idea what you want to do, or what you would be good at, I would suggest both personality profiles, and aptitude tests. You could go to the Employment Security Commission, and ask them how you would go about getting tested! *sm*
    the below link will be useful



    How do you get references for a new job, while at your current job.?

    Most companies want references, but how do you get references if you're at your current job and don't want to know that you're looking for a job? I know that we can get references from other companies we worked for, but isn't it kinda wierd after a long time to get references for them, especially when people often change jobs, move, or even ignore u?How do you get references for a new job, while at your current job.?
    My strongest references date pack 10 years. Learn the game of life -- you're nobody until somebody says that you're somebody.How do you get references for a new job, while at your current job.?
    You should always approach your references verbally (either over the phone or in person) to ask them to be a reference and if it's been a while since you've used them as a reference, you should definitely re-approach them to make sure it's still okay to use them.

    Do you have a trusted colleague at your present job that you could use as a reference?

    Changes to my job description, how should I approach?

    My boss has talked to me about changing my work description and basically leaving my current position for another one. She wants my feedback on the proposal but the ';changes she's proposing'; really originated from a co-worker. These changes entail consolidating positions and my co-worker effectively replacing me. I don't think it's a good idea regardless of being phased out. But I can't change jobs right now so I don't want to antagonize my boss. How would you best approach the situation? I can give further details if necessary. Thanks!Changes to my job description, how should I approach?
    This is not an easy one. I think the best focus is to create a job description that you feel ok about. Try to have some influence on what is decided. When you talk with your boss tell her what you would like-she asked for your feedback. Stay away from bad mouthing your co-worker. Keep it strictly about the work you want to do. You may be able to influence your boss.

    Never let yourself feel trapped. Do your best to create a good outcome, but if it doesn't go your way, you always have options. Good luck.

    How can I find business clients for whom to consult on the topic of employee incentive or commission plans?

    I have created very successful commission plans for three companies for whom I have worked. It is not my full-time job, and I don't want to change jobs, but I would like to help more companies grow through the joint efforts of all of their employees.How can I find business clients for whom to consult on the topic of employee incentive or commission plans?
    I would still tell you to create a plan for what you're looking to do and go for it. Now it's a plan for what you're looking to do--- a vision, mission, objectives, strategies and action plans. It will help you even if you don't want to go into business. (I work with executives all the time to help them create business plans for their careers/departments/etc)

    Having said that, a few months ago I worked with an HR professional for 1 hour. I recommended that she read the book the Emyth Revisited, then create a one-page plan and then place a free ad on CraigsList.

    I've seen that work before; as a start of a business when someone has a job.

    Well, of course she went directly to Craigslist and her description wasn't clear enough. So she got calls, but they were real ';cheapo';s. If she had done it right, she could have gotten better results.How can I find business clients for whom to consult on the topic of employee incentive or commission plans?
    Try writing it up in an article and submitting it to trade publications....Or, create a blog about it at eblogger.com.

    How can I get out of my lease early without any termination fees?

    I am moving to a different area due to a job change. I resigned my lease 3 months ago before knowing I would change jobs. My townhouse manager said that we have to pay for 6 months rent and then we can get out of the lease.

    My dilemma is, my new apartment is more than double the amt i pay at my current house, and I have to pay a security deposit PLUS a first month at my new place PLUS 3 more months of my current rent....It's SOOO much money.

    Does anyone know if there are any laws saying I don't have to pay the whole 6 months? HELP!How can I get out of my lease early without any termination fees?
    Like the 1st commenter said, the only real solution would be to find someone that will take over the remaining period on your lease. Generally though, termination fees are stated in the lease agreement you signed and are legally binding. There would just be too many people taking advantage of landlords if tenants could move out at any time without any recourse for the property owner.

    However, you did say that you have 3 more months on your current lease, correct? I don't see how your landlord can charge you 6 months of rent to break your lease when you only have 3 months left on it. If you cannot find anyone to take over your lease, just move out, hang onto the keys to your current apartment, pay each month of the 3 months left on your lease, and then return the keys.How can I get out of my lease early without any termination fees?
    The only people that can get out of a lease just like that are active military. The only other way you can break a lease is if terms were not met in the lease like landlord not keeping up with repairs etc, or a health dept voilation, such as if your apt was infested with roaches because of a dirty neighbor.

    The only other way to get out of a lease in CA is to find someone to take it over for you under their name. It would have to be someone that would meet the same requirments that you do when you moved in (good credit, paid deposite etc)and the landlord would have to agree to them taking over your lease.
    You are responsible for the terms of the lease you signed. If it holds you to a year's rent, consider yourself fortunate that he's only holding you to six months instead of the remaining nine months on the contract.

    Always bear in mind that changes in YOUR life and additional expenses which incur are NOT the responsiblity of the landlord.

    If your job change took you overseas and you had just leased a car for two years, would you look at THAT lease contract in the same fashion ?

    A contract to lease is a contract. Both sides are expected to perform to the the terms of the contract. When one side decides they want out of said contract, there are penalties involved.
    Actually, there are laws saying you have to PAY the whole 6 months. You can't get out of it any more than your landlord could kick you out because he'd found someone willing to pay more in rent.
    There are no laws stating that you do not have to honor a contract that you signed.

    Actually the law is just the opposite, you signed the contract, you and the landlord are both expected to honor it. Why have a lease if they meant nothing?
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  • How do you roll over 401k from private to federal job?

    I am about to change jobs next month, going from private sector to working for the federal government. What is the fed. government version of 401k, and is it difficult to roll it over?How do you roll over 401k from private to federal job?
    Roll overs are easy. They have a comparable service called a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) that you can roll over your pre-tax retirement accounts to. I included the link that describes it in more detail.How do you roll over 401k from private to federal job?
    You probably don't WANT to put your money in a federal pension. Instead, take your money from the 401k and roll it over into an IRA (Roth or Traditional).
    The government has what is called the Thrift Savings Plan and you roll into it just ike any other plan. Due to it's immense size, it's got some of the lowest fees available so it's not a bad place to park your money.

    How to get a job at forever new in Melbourne!?

    Does anybody work or know of anybody who works at the store forever new in Melbourne/Victoria?? I'm desperate to change jobs I have 3 years experience in a retail surf store. They have generic ';upload'; resume on there website but they must get hundreds of resumes, they don't have specific job applications you can apply for so I'm assuming it's all word of mouth and who you know? If anyone could give me some tips or advice that would be amazing! Thank you in advance :)How to get a job at forever new in Melbourne!?
    try applying online and then dropping a copy of your resume into the store you want to work at and if they don't have any positions available ask them to hang onto your resume in case a position comes up. i'm sure they'd appreciate you being keen enough to go in and giving them a resume :) hope that helps. good luck :)How to get a job at forever new in Melbourne!?
    I would visit the store regularly and get yourself known to the manager, would be better if you occasionally bought something but even just to browse. Once they know who you are, tell them you would like to work there, they will probably tell you to go online but ask if you can bring them a resume personally, at least that way if something comes up they have it on hand. Ask about Christmas casual work too, always a good way to get your foot in the door.

    Changing jobs?

    hey guys, i need help here. Does it look bad if a person changes 2 jobs in 3 years? (I just graduated in 2004).

    I was a double major in college and have just been trying to find a good career path for myself. I left my first job after a year for a better opportunity. I have been in my current job for about 1.5 years now but this seems like a dead-end job. BTW, I am in the accounting/finance industry.

    What do you guys think? Should i change my job? I can potentially spend couple of years in this job, so that instead of switching 2 jobs in 3 years, I will be changing 2 jobs in lets say 4 years. So don't know how much difference that would make. But I'm hesitant to spend a lot of time at my current job since it's dead-end and I pretty much have to start anew (start as entry level) after leaving it.Changing jobs?

    to start with this is my 4th job in three years...and my interviewing experience says, it doesnt matter much if you are good at what you do...and have a valid reason to leave your old job....

    switching jobs in a year or two is a good way towards getting better pay scale

    think through how you want to shape your career...and good luck with your job search

    How to ask for a raise even if the job is too easy?

    I was hired as an office manager for a company from another state. However, the pay is so tiny compared to the position. Then on the other hand, the job is so easy and limited to very small task that I feel guilty for wanting a raise. However, the owners told me if I needed part time help I could hire someone. I know I don't need that helper so do you think its unethical I ask for at least half of what a helper would have cost them? I use to make twice what I am making now at other companies I've worked for. I don't want to change jobs but I find this is hurting me financially to stay at this pay. What do you think?How to ask for a raise even if the job is too easy?
    I would talk to them about a raise. If I was the boss, I would want to keep you.

    If he is willing to pay for a second person and you can do all the job yourself, then you are worth extra money.

    go for it, you sound like a good worker.How to ask for a raise even if the job is too easy?
    Quiting is defiantly an option but if you really dont want to go to your boss and be like ';im having some money problems and i know i can do more work here so can you give me a raise and if thats to much can i have more work so i can get more pay'; you no something like that

    Good luck
    i was in the same position a few months ago. I had a lot of work, but then one day work slowed down and i literally did nothing but play on myspace all day. BUT I asked them for a raise and they gave it to me. Dont feel bad asking for it. Especially if your last pay raise (or start date) was over 6 months ago.
    do you have a review coming up? i would ask then. its not unethical though. you can state your position mention you really love it there but financially you ight have to make a move if this pay wont go up. They are entitled to Not give the raise but at least you can state your point and look for another job or an additional job. i think its worth a shot definitely!! also dont negotiate a raise until they agree to give you one. in other words dont say ';can you give me half of what a helper would cost'; wait until its a definite yes to the raise alone then negotiate it, then you dont hit them so hard all at once!!

    What is the best way to find a job overseas for an American CPA / MBA?

    I am about to change jobs and I am free to move anywhere! Any idea how to find international jobs? Im interested in Asia / UAE / South America.What is the best way to find a job overseas for an American CPA / MBA?
    I'm not sure about other country, but for my country (Malaysia -- located in Southeast Asia), you can go to www.jobstreet.com

    Prepare your resume, and let the intelligent agent do the work for you. They will advertise to all the potential employers and you can get job easily. You might consider applying for lecturer post in university or colleges in Malaysia as well as the audit firms that are available right here, such as KPMG, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche, and Earns %26amp; Young. Anyway, www.jobstreet.com will definately help. It's free as well. You can try for sure :) Well, I'm only talking about Malaysia....What is the best way to find a job overseas for an American CPA / MBA?
    Get yourself registered with all Reputed placement agencies, Quickly.



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  • What do you think about the Security Forces Job in the USAF?

    Well i just took my ASVAB Test for the USAF and passed but my scores sucked pretty bad.

    The only thing that suited me the most is the USAF SF's. My recruiter said i can take the ASVAB again in 3 years and change jobs which most likely i will be doing.

    But overall what do you guys/gals thinks about the Security Forces job in the USAF. How are the work hours, chance being

    deployed to Iraq within your first term, etc.

    ThanksWhat do you think about the Security Forces Job in the USAF?
    Your going to get deplolyed...thats a fact, and a guarantee! Hours range from 12-14 hours a day on schedules like: work 3 days off for 2...work 4, off 3...work 2, off 3...every base if different. I leave for BMT on April 29, 2008...my guaranteed AFSC (job) is Security Forces! From what I hear, the job isn't for everyone, those who like it like it, those who don't just have to deal with it til their contract is up or they cross-train into another job.What do you think about the Security Forces Job in the USAF?
    I love the job. Long hours, but it's a great career. And your chances of deploying are 100%.
    Do you like getting shot at and dodging IED's? If you would like that for 3 or more years out of your enlistment then it might be for you. I would recommend taking time and going to a community college/Junior college and getting involved in the ROTC. Then you can get financial help through them and enlist as an officer with more options. You may even take some courses and decide the military is not what you want to do with your life. Don't ever take a recruiter's words at face value because they have quotas and deadlines they have to meet, so look into the info yourself. I'm pretty sure it's like every 6 months you can take the asvab.

    P.S. You'd have to cut your hair too.

    I am having a personal crisis, I need to find a job that fits me. Any ideas who could help?

    My education is HS + 2 year associates degree in automotive maintenance from a tech school.

    I worked as a mechanic for several years and hated it. I was also a computer programmer for 4 years and hated that!

    I seem to change jobs quite often because they quickly bore me and I get really depressed about life because I can't find anything I like to do!

    I consider myself to be very intelligent and have good common sense. I need a job that challenges me, but not with tedium (like computer programming).

    I'm trying to figure out how I can go about finding a job that fits my personality and physical and mental skills.

    I feel like I'm back in High School trying to pick a college major. I'm 29 now. I made great money as a programmer, but just hated the work (and work environment).

    What I don't want is cubicles or office politics. I want something where I can be fairly independant and find something interesting about my job that will motivate me every day.I am having a personal crisis, I need to find a job that fits me. Any ideas who could help?
    You sound like you need to be your own boss!I am having a personal crisis, I need to find a job that fits me. Any ideas who could help?

    this place is for real its not a survay thing its real and its REAL GOOD MONEY
    I have a background in Automotive Engineering and a Computer Science Degree. Today I do not work in either. If you are anything like me you are a type A personality. I work for myself now and am the boss. Start your own company. Maybe while you are starting you will still need to work, but you will know that it is only temporary. I changed jobs a lot too. With 3 degrees now, it is funny to look back. Education is important, but it does not define you.

    Good luck!
    Why not do something for your country?

    Working for the Federal Government is very rewarding: the possibilities are vast. There are hundreds of job series and thousands of open jobs.

    I檇 direct you to www.USAJOBS.opm.gov: it檚 got a great career assessment tool at http://www.usajobs.gov/careers/index.asp.

    That tool will at least give you an idea as to where you should direct your search.

    Also, let檚 say you want to go back to school: Try http://www.studentjobs.gov/e-scholar.asp which lists apprentices, scholarships, grants, etc., which are available through the government.

    Finally, try http://www.teachforamerica.org/ for a program for teaching in low income communities. There are lots of programs like that: Peace Corps for example. That's REALLY giving back. It檚 just a thought.

    The world is your oyster! Plan it out and make it happen!
    Visit www.nycareerzone.org. You can do a quick self assessment to see what types of careers you would enjoy.

    How would you best word job changing?

    want to change jobs from lube tech. to apartment leasing...what would be the way to summerize thatHow would you best word job changing?
    I am seeking a new career opporunity that will allow me to...(have greater earnings potential, potential for advancement, greater degree of interaction with customers, etc.)How would you best word job changing?
    I would like to make a transition from automobile mechanic to apartment leasing.
    You are broadening your horizons and seeking a new exciting career that will challenge you.

    How do I get fired from my job and collect unemployment???

    OK, before I get accused of being a low-life... I am okay with working, but I need to change jobs pronto and am the type of person that settles on a job and stays because I am to lazy to look for a new one. The unemployment is not necessary, just would be nice to abuse a system that abuses my paycheck.

    Any ideas??? And don't just leave a response telling me that I'm a loser or random other complaints about my decision.How do I get fired from my job and collect unemployment???
    you need to find another jobHow do I get fired from my job and collect unemployment???
    Depends on where you are, in Canada, you can not collect employment insurance if you are fired or if you quit. Too many people abused our system before you ( if you are up here in Canada).

    You can go to unemployment .com and fill out an application for it... it will also give you a telephone number to an office near you to call.

    How to find meaning/fulfillment in boring job?

    How do you find enjoyment and satisfaction when your job everyday is extremely boring and not challenging (except for going every day)? Or is it simply to be accepted that working at the same job day in and day out will eventually become boring and tiring?

    I would change jobs if possible but as a recent college grad in a bad economy that's much easier said than done :)How to find meaning/fulfillment in boring job?
    searching for a job is hard, especially if it's a long time since you previously did it! I was jobless recently, but I discovered the resource in the box below which is very helpful in so many ways. By doing as they advised, in a short while I soon got myself a job.How to find meaning/fulfillment in boring job?
    Yes, unfortunately it is very hard to get into even entry-level positions now in skilled fields. I got laid off 7 weeks ago and a year ago returned to college. I am still fairly young so I have options.

    With so many out of work, companies are hiring people who already have lots of skill who were laid off from middle+ level positions into entry level positions for much less pay. People are desperate to go back to work and companies know this. Wages have plummeted. What was once a $80K/yr job is now a $45K/yr job.

    Sad times.

    Good luck.
    Most jobs are like what you describe; so look for a career move. You have your degree, so think outside the box for using it. Volunteer places and see what you can really do with your degree. You can't make your job more than it is; you may volunteer for a big project, or to work with someone you admire.
    I try and enjoy the people, the people I work with, the people I deal with. If you're in a warehouse or something..... take up a hobby like drawing? That's what I do
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  • I quit 2 jobs in last 2 mths how shd i expalin it.i have 6 yrs of exp in sales?

    I had to change jobs coz of abusive and harrasment by boss. its not that i have tendency of job hopping coz in my carrer of 6 yrs i had worked with only 2 companies prior to these last 2.I quit 2 jobs in last 2 mths how shd i expalin it.i have 6 yrs of exp in sales?
    LIE.. Tell them you have been a self employed artist for the last 5 years..... It worked for my best friend and he is now making close to a 100k...I quit 2 jobs in last 2 mths how shd i expalin it.i have 6 yrs of exp in sales?
    You just explained it. Don't list them as references (you have the option of telling prospective employers not to contact prior employers). Within a few years, don't even include those jobs on your resume.
    Explain to whom? To the new employment prospect? Why should you? Just don't include them to your job experiences.
    As an employer when I look at someones work history I look for gaps.. I want to know if the applicant is being honest with me.

    I understand why you may not want to put a potentially bad reference on an application, what I would do is list miscl. employment. for the past 2 months .. emphasize that you are looking for a new company that you can spend the next 5 to 10 years with and that in the mean time you are taking temp and odd jobs to provide yourself with some income until you find that ';right job';.

    It wouldn't hurt for you to put an application in at a temp agency or even a daily labor hall. That way if challenged you can always have them call ';Suzie'; at the labor hall to vouch for you.

    good luck with your job hunt.
    JUST ignore these ventures from your resume. So there will be no need to explain something which is non exisistant.
    Honesty is not the best policy, it's the only policy. Telling the truth wouldn't look as bad as telling a fib and getting caught

    How can I prevent myself from getting tired of my job?

    Everytime I work at a place for more than a year, I get restless and can't imagine people who work somewhere for 20 years!?! How can I break the monotony of work and cure the desperation I feel to change jobs?How can I prevent myself from getting tired of my job?
    Work on developing your job tasks. Ask for training in areas that will help promote you. Work on moving up in a company so that you're always challenged. There's always something to learn. Keeping busy helps me.How can I prevent myself from getting tired of my job?
    i get like that with jobs and cars

    i decided to go back to school and hopefully get a job i fully enjoy, hopefully this works out
    Talk to your manager and see if there are other challenges within the company that you could take on. Instead of changes jobs, take on new responsibilites within the job you currently have. If nothing like that is available, use your energy for new challenges by volunteering somewhere that needs temporary help. (Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Clubs, Scouting programs, church, etc.)
    You need something that will constantly challenge you.
    maybe instead of a job

    u need a career of your interest
    First of all be cool ur mind n sit.Then think which job give ur mind a complete satisfaction after this ask ur heart which job will be close to ur intrest.Surely ur mind n heart will be at a conflict then keep ur eyes close n ask to ur inner soul u get the answer for perfect job with intrest,satisfaction.when intrest n job satisfaction come together u will work for perfection this is best way then tell me if u again have same problem.

    Question about changing jobs?

    I have a computer programming job but am losing interest in my field. Is it possible at 30 years old to get a job in gardening / horticulture and how would I go about it?Question about changing jobs?
    Try it and see how it works for you.

    How can I determine what job my skills would be applicable to?

    I want to change jobs to a new field, but want to know what job the skills I have acquired would be suitable for.How can I determine what job my skills would be applicable to?
    You haven't given us any details. So it's impossible to help you out.How can I determine what job my skills would be applicable to?
    I would keep my existing job and at the same time apply for other jobs that are close to my field of work.

    You never know. So don't limit your chances.

    Maybe you want to list the type of skills you acquired so that someone can give you a better answer.

    It will come to those who look !!!

    If you are looking for jobs in the Middle East try this site, very neat...



    How long does the average teenager keep a part-time job? Is 11 months good or should I keep it for longer?

    How long does the average teenager keep a part-time job? Is 11 months good or should I keep it for longer?

    I'm entering college in the fall and might like to change jobs when I start my first semester. I will have had the job for one year at that point. I know that employers like to see a steadiness in previous employment, but is one year good? Also, what is a good way to leave a job without burning any bridges?How long does the average teenager keep a part-time job? Is 11 months good or should I keep it for longer?
    11 - 12 months is good; you are young and employers expect that you will have several job changes through your college years. At this point you are simply building work experience, not a career history.

    The way you leave a job is with a written notice (usually two weeks.) Something along these lines is sufficient:

    Dear Mr./Ms. Boss,

    Please accept this letter as my notice of resignation, effective (date.) I will be returning to school.

    Thank you for the opportunities you have given me.

    I have enjoyed my time with Company A, and wish you and everyone here continued success.



    Have a great time in college!How long does the average teenager keep a part-time job? Is 11 months good or should I keep it for longer?
    Honestly I'd keep your job and that way if you come home on the weekends or on breaks you'll have a job; just let your boss know. You can also keep a job nearby your school. 11 months is actually a long time for teenagers. So you probably have a good head on your shoulders.
    Keeping your job is a decision that you are ultimatley going to have to decide on your own.

    With that said, if you are going to be seeking employment after you leave your job, you may want to consider keeping the one you have. Your current employer may be understanding of your college schedule and may be willing to work with you, and around it. I work with several college students through the summer, and then place them on the schedule according to their schedules and my department needs. There are many employers who work with students!

    11 months is a good for your applications/resumes for future jobs. It shows that you are consistent. If you choose to leave your current job, talk to your manager about it, explain your circumstances. Go in prepared and state the facts.
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  • I recently changed jobs. I was considering trying to go back to my old job any idea on how I should do this.?

    Its going on 3 months. I left my last job based on a former coworkers recommendation.I recently changed jobs. I was considering trying to go back to my old job any idea on how I should do this.?
    If you left on good terms with your former employer I see no reason why you shouldn't try to return. Although there are some organizations that have a policy not to re-hire former employee's. If you are still friends with anyone at this organization I would try to find out if such a policy exist first or simply find out has anyone ever left and returned.I recently changed jobs. I was considering trying to go back to my old job any idea on how I should do this.?
    It never hurts to ask. Tell your former boss that you made a mistake and would really like to come back to work there. The worst that could happen is that they say ';no';.

    Changing jobs and my boyfriend is moving, so stressed.?

    Any advice on how to cope with the stress of my boyfriend moving overseas coinciding with my changing jobs this week? I am so anxious and stressed and starting to flip out just a little. I'm also prone to depression and am wanting to keep myself out of a funk but I'm nervous about that too.Changing jobs and my boyfriend is moving, so stressed.?
    Well, you're gonna miss him, that's a given. But you can't prevent depression if its something that you are prone to. One thing that I've learned about depression, is that you have to go though the tunnel to get to the light. It's all about how long you stay in that tunnel. The anxiety and stress is totally normal. You have to let go or this is going to drag you down into a depression state that you don't want. You don't have to let this guy go as a friend, but it's hard enough to keep a relationship in tact while living in the same house, better yet holding onto a relationship where you have the ocean between you two. Letting go is so hard to do, I know! But you have to make your mental health your first priority and the rest will come to you.

    Changing jobs and my boyfriend is moving, so stressed.?

    Any advice on how to cope with the stress of my boyfriend moving overseas coinciding with my changing jobs this week? I am so anxious and stressed and starting to flip out just a little. I'm also prone to depression and am wanting to keep myself out of a funk but I'm nervous about that too.Changing jobs and my boyfriend is moving, so stressed.?
    I reccomend taking yoga, yoga helps free the mind and relax. Also, while your boyfriend is away make sure to do your best to keep contact and keep your priorities straight so maybe you won't be depressed and can keep calm :) good luck!!!Changing jobs and my boyfriend is moving, so stressed.?
    get over it
    Spend more time outdoors, with nature or animals. Nature soothes the soul and helps our feelings adjust to life's changes.
    exercise help relieve stress. Also a 30 minutes shower with water running down from head to toe. Please try not to think too much- just do what is needed to be done.

    Can I change job while H1-B is pending?

    I am waiting for the approval of my H1-B but I have the opportunity to move to another position within the same company, the same level but the required education is higher.

    I am currently working under OPT that will expire in December. How can I handle that situation? Can I change my application before it is approved. Should I change job and then change the H1 when I get it after october? Should I wait until I have it and transfer it? Any information is welcome!

    By the way, is the cap for master holder also reached?

    Thanks!Can I change job while H1-B is pending?
    I know you can't change companies.Can I change job while H1-B is pending?
    check this link its good


    The only way to ';change'; jobs is to find a new employer and have that employer get you a new H1-B visa.

    An H1-B visa is only good for the employer who paid all the money, filed all the paperwork and did all the work to get it for you. It's not a license for you to job hop.
    I think the cap for a masters holder was reached but you can check at uscis.gov, I am not absolutely certain.

    I know it is a problem to change employers, but I am not sure if that applies to jobs. What if you were just 'promoted'? I have to think there must be a way, but I'm sorry, I am just not sure. YOu can ask at uscis.gov, but it might be worth asking an attorney.
    You can't change companies but I don't see why taking a promotion would be a problem. You might want to call USCIS though just to make sure.

    JOBS- where do you work? what do you do?

    What's your job?

    What are past jobs you've had, no matter how small or ';insignificant';?


    What's your dream job?

    Are you happy at your current job? Do you love it? When you wake up in the morning are you excited to go to work? Do you call it ';work';? Are you stuck in a rut?


    Do you wish you could change jobs?

    What are your interests? What are your dreams?

    What would be the perfect job? (no matter how crazy or out-there - make the job up if you want to!)JOBS- where do you work? what do you do?
    I'm an insurance claims investigator (handling fraud cases) and I like it ok. I meet some interesting people, and i'm getting really good at letting insults roll off my back!

    Seriously though, I would love to work in a zoo. I don't care if it was just cleaning up after the Elephants. I just want to work around large animals like that. Financially though I need to stay where I am.JOBS- where do you work? what do you do?
    I basically throw boxes for a living... it's okay, kinda fun, but yet hard work. I want to go back to school, but I dont know what my dream job would be and I am trying to figure out what classes to take.
    I do translations for a company, mostly owner's manuals but sometimes other documents. It's repetitive but it pays well and I've been able to raise my kids because I work from home.
    I've just quit my job at the food services department of University i was attending. It was good stable job where i just served coffee, got a raise every year and flexible schedule so i can do fulltime courseload.

    Now I've graduated(w/ business degree) and looking to get into accounting because I find its the best kinda work for my personality type(routine work, not so much people interaction involved like sales, yuck!)
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  • How many people want to change their jobs and why do they want that?

    To get a higher salary, so that I could afford to buy a house in CornwallHow many people want to change their jobs and why do they want that?
    my hubby was in the navy for 8 years working on the ships engines and he hated it now he has switched to video game art design and loves it. go with your passion or life will dragg you should love to get up and go to work.How many people want to change their jobs and why do they want that?
    I want to change my job.

    I am working as a chef, and i have basic chefs training, it was something i wanted to do, but when i started doing i realised that it wasn't how i imagined it.

    So now I'm going to uni, i am going to be a writer. This is something that i had thought about doing but it seemed like a pipe dream, and i needed money.

    Now i see that you have to follow your dreams, because anything won't make you any happier.
    I bet loads of people want to change their job. Most people work because they have to, not bacause they want to. If you have to work for such a large proportion of your life you may as well try to do a job you enjoy and therefore life is more enjoyable.

    I turned 30 and realised I was in a job that doesn't challenge my brain and I'm bored - So I'm going to see a careers advisor, to make sure the next step is the right one.
    Me, i have no option but to change my job because it is being offshored!!
    i hate my job the employers expect too much of me and they cant keep the business under control i hate the pay and hours my colleagues are good friends but i hate the job
    i want to change, i'm bored, sitting most of the day with nothing to do, nothing to do with being lazy cos i would stay in my current job if i wanted that.

    looking for satisfaction in knowing that my employer has had a good days work from me, who want to sit around bored all day???
    I want to change my job at the moment i am a housewife and very bored of stayin in doin housewifey things.

    Want to get out into the world and do more with my life.
    Most people work to live, not live to work
    I resigned from my job (HR Manager) because I didn't like what I was doing anymore. Now, I'm thinking whether or not I want to shift careers again or if I just didn't like the job because of the people I worked with. The place I worked at before was very conflict ridden and it was crushing my spirit already. I didn't think the high salary was worth that.
    I have two degrees: Journalism and Psychology. I'm an office assistant for school psychs. Sort of in the field, but not really. I want a decent job that is in my field. One of them.

    Ultimately, since I have a passion for travelling, I'd like to have a job as a tour guide...I could lead groups around Europe. Combining my passion for travel and my flair for writing would be the ultimate job for me.

    But, since I live in a small town...there aren't many opportunities out there in either of my fields.
    Definitely want to change my job, dont get paid enough, end up doing loads of extra hours (which I dont get paid for as I am management) Dont know why im still there????????????
    I want 2, they put me in the crapiest section. I want to work at a sports store.

    Break in training for over a year. job change?

    im waiting to go to tech school and don't have a date yet. all i know is its going to be a while.. I also heard a rumor that if you have a break in training for over a year you can change jobs. anyone know how true that is?Break in training for over a year. job change?
    It would help SO much if you told us the branch.

    I recently changed jobs and now have 2 W2's?How to file?

    How do i file the info for both?? Do i add up the amounts and use the totals? Which EIN to use etc?I recently changed jobs and now have 2 W2's?How to file?
    Lump it all together then proceedI recently changed jobs and now have 2 W2's?How to file?
    If you file on paper, add the numbers together.

    If you use software, you will enter each W-2 separately.
    If you efile you efle, you will enter each w2 seaparately and enter each ein number. the program will add the to gather. Just follow the instructions on the program and it will tell you what to enter.

    Christine- EA Master Tax Adviser Check out web page


    **This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you have provided.

    I'm starting a new job -real nervous. I hate change but realized I needed a chnage from the job im at now -its

    very loud and nerve racking. Although the new job is 30 min. away vs. the 5 min I drive now. And the new job will be night shift 7p-7a vs. the one i have now 7a-3p (both are FT). I just feel sick to my stomache -changing jobs (career the same) Ive been with the other job for 7 yrs. Im staying on as PRN (im a nurse) I just havent changed jobs in so long (I hate change) The pay is better at the new hosp. Ive worked nights a couple times as extra shifts at my hosp so I know I can do it -but how will 12 hr shift be? My sig. other thinks it will be good because the old hospital had loud intrusive Pt's while this one is quiet -and i hate loud obnoxious noises or remarks (which he does alot of) -Im also looking at a future other move since he's put in for a transfer with the P.O. to another state and i know we may be moving there. He's already put his house up for sale (we live together). God, I hate chng. How do I deal with all this chng? We have also discussed splitting up -yet another chngI'm starting a new job -real nervous. I hate change but realized I needed a chnage from the job im at now -its
    Starting anything new is scary....because it's ';unknown';. I'm also a nurse, and I'll tell you from my own experience that the first time I changed places of employment (after working in the same position for ten years), I was scared to death! But, I can honestly tell you that it does get easier, and you'll grow because of it. My only concerns for you are first, going to a 12 hr night shift after working days. Did you say you'll be full time nights? I did nights for the first two years of my career. It's hard to live ';normally'; if you work nights, and no one else (your signif other, etc) does! And, your days off are generally a fog, because you're constantly trying to get back on a normal sleep schedule, until your first shift back. Secondly, I am not sure what dept you work in, but if you're looking for only quiet and calm nursing, I wish you luck, and hope you'll send me the web address of the facility! Most of my experience has been ER/ Acute Care, where there are a lot of obnoxious, loud people, events, etc. And, Night Shift is like a different world. All domestic violence, psychiatric, alcohol/drug related etc patients frequent the night shift! My advice is to not bite off more than you can chew. Change is good, and is necessary for growth. But too much of it at one time adds a lot of stress, which can create even more problems. You need to prioritize what's most important to you...relationships? money? health? giving the best care to your patients? and then, write it down, and make a plan of how to come from point a to point b. Pray, and ask for God's direction, and make decisions based on your priorities and needs, not on your ';feelings'; or pressure from others! Hope this helps!I'm starting a new job -real nervous. I hate change but realized I needed a chnage from the job im at now -its
    you have too much going on at one time. as a nurse, you probably already know that you need to speak with a therapist. in the mean time, you need to do something that emits positive feelings-buy new clothes, new make up (if able). change your hair, start an exercise routine. as for your new job, you will adjust. the night shift is a much different pace than days. it's just you and the patients, no management, therapy, family members in your face adding to your workload. plus you only work 3-4 days a week. you will be ok.

    I would lke to change my job what kind of recruitment consultant jobs are there out there and how easy is it ?

    In terms of the type of job it is, do you have t be a certain type of person?I would lke to change my job what kind of recruitment consultant jobs are there out there and how easy is it ?
    You have to be a very hard worker who is willing to make phone calls from home at night. You have to be able to take lots of nos. You have to be a great sales closer. If you are looking for easy this isn't it.I would lke to change my job what kind of recruitment consultant jobs are there out there and how easy is it ?
    http://www.careersinrecruitment.com/ Hope this helps.
    Recruitment is a growing industry and there are a wide variety of specialisms that individual agencies go into (i.e. executive search, IT, temporary placements, graduate - the list is long!).

    Assuming its not just a pure admin role you are going into, you will probably need a degree - but you should be able to get a position somewhere with pretty much any degree. Prospects can explain it in more depth than me so I shan't just copy them, but have a look here:


    On top of this, however, I would add that this is a sales focused environment, with a lot of targets to hit - which can decide a lot of your salary. It is relatively high pressure, and requires good communication skills. It has been reported that staff turnover levels can be as high as 60% - indicating it really isn't for everyone!
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  • My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?


    As long as you go on with your normal work i.e. not excercising you calfs ur muscles will progressively shrink back to normal size.My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?
    i used to have some nice biceps from my old job contantly lifting 15lb cages up and down. its been two months and ive definatly noticed a decrease in strength.My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?
    Muscular atrophy takes time to set in. A competition cyclist loses about 80% of his stamina in 2 weeks, but 90% of his muscle mass remains. I suggest you continue to walk or cycle a lot to keep the strength up or you could end up with 'restless leg syndrome' or ligament/tendon problems.
    The bad news is that with shrinking muscles is that your skin doesn't seem to shrink too well at the same time.

    The good news is that muscle is heavy, so you should see a weight drop.

    I suppose the time period will vary according to how active you continue to be - which isn't much help to you, is it.

    Meanwhile, wear long skirts, trousers and barely-black tights/stockings.

    401k's from previous jobs? How do i get that money?

    I've had a number of jobs in the past and at most of them I was signed up for the 401k plan. Everytime i changed jobs i never kept up with transferring 401 plans and all that other stuff. Is there a site or someway i can find out where all that money from all those jobs are? Have i lost all that money? Or does it all get saved somewhere waiting on me to claim it somehow?401k's from previous jobs? How do i get that money?
    401Ks tend to generate paperwork to the account holder, so presumably you have not kept your address current.

    Start with the old HR department of each place you lived. Ask them who the custodian is of the 401K. Then call the custodian.

    Fotunately, this type of account tends not to escheat, so you should be able to find it pretty easily.

    Once you do, close the accounts (if you can) and roll them into 1 IRA.401k's from previous jobs? How do i get that money?
    401k is your benefits, every time you change jobs, Roll over to IRA. so going through paper work from previous employers website. Ask HR department and do the transfer paper work as soon as you can.

    Look at Enron, Lehman brothers, going bankrupt ringing a bell?
    Do you have statements from your old 401(k) accounts? Those will tell you who the custodian is (Vanguard, Fidelity, etc.). If you don't know where the money is, you will have to contact your previous employers to find out who administers their 401(k) plans. Once you know where the money is, you can roll it over into an IRA. Whatever company you elect for your IRA can help you transfer your 401(k) balances.

    This money is yours; you haven't lost it. When you leave a job, you may lose any unvested portion of the company match money, but you won't lose what you saved yourself.
    You're in the habit of walking away from your money and failing to keep track of it? Better change that behavior.
    Contact the human resources departments of all those past employers and they will give you that information. They should also be given your current address so they can mail you updates of your account. There's no reason you have to transfer funds from those old 401K's to a new one or an IRA. But you can if you wish once you get necessary information.

    There is no website to help you find this information, you need to do this yourself. I'm surprised this wasn't taken care of when you left all these previous employers.
    That money is yours. It is waiting for you to claim it.. HOWEVER, let me warn you. If you just withdraw the money, you could be asking for one huge tax mess.

    If you want to , you can take that money and roll it over into an IRA. To do that, you should see a banker or investment agent,. and they can do the work for you, or at least walk you through it.

    Airmen Only! How long does it take to change your jobs in the Air Force?

    Like CrossTraining? How long do you have to wait before you are allowed to go train for another job?Airmen Only! How long does it take to change your jobs in the Air Force?
    The retraining window for four-year enlistees is between 35 and 43 months time in service and for six-year enlistees it's between 59 and 67 months.

    The sooner you go to MPF and speak to a career counselor to start your paperwork, the better.

    My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?

    I am assuming that in your new job you are using your leg muscles a lot less, so therefore the muscles may decrease slightly in size (atrophy) over the following months (but very slowly) as they are not being used to the same extent (but remember they will still be exercised from general walking etc). This is a normal physiological response.My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?
    why should they shrink down its not like your legs are never gonna work again sure some deterioration is expected but don't expect it to actually be visableMy job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?
    Very soon, if you don麓t have the same load demand anymore. Unfortunately.

    How to answer the question ';why do you want to change job';?

    I need help in answering this question because this is the very first question they ask on the interview for a new job. Maybe ';you'; can give me a very excellent answer.How to answer the question ';why do you want to change job';?
    Be honest about what you think of the place and then say you have a lot to offer then name some of your personal attributes.
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  • Changed Jobs - Holiday Pay / daily rate for untaken days for a salaried worker?

    I have just changed jobs. On leaving my old job, I had 7.33 days of holiday which I had accumulated but had not taken. My old employers have agreed with me that the figure is 7.33 days, however they have calculated the pay due differently to me. They have simply taken my salary and divided it by 365 (days of the year) and then multiplied this by 7.33. Surely this is wrong, surely it should be salary divided by (365 - 104 (for weekends)) and then multiplied by 7.33. My contract only states that my official working hours are Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm and that holidays are accumulated on a monthly basis. There is no specific clause relating to exactly how much holiday pay you should/will get. The difference between my calculation and my ex-companies calculation is about 拢350, so I would like to ensure the calculation is fair and correct. Any advice on thsi would be very much appreciated.Changed Jobs - Holiday Pay / daily rate for untaken days for a salaried worker?
    Calculate the hours you work annually and divide that into your annual holiday entilement that will give you the amount of holiday per day worked.Then add up the days you have workes and multiply by your daily holiday figure and then subtract the days you have had and that will give you the holiday entitlement multiply that by your daily rate less any bonuses and thats how much they owe youChanged Jobs - Holiday Pay / daily rate for untaken days for a salaried worker?
    Ask them to explain how and why they have come to that decision and if it is still unsatisfactory to you - seek legal advice.
    I think you're right there. They're trying to pull a fast one.

    If you only work 5 days a week you can't then be told you have to use holidays to cover weekend days because you're leaving.

    Thats ridiculous.

    An in-house designer wanna change job to ad agency, but how i gonna prepare a good portfolio?

    hi, i m an in-house designer who has 1 year and 4 month experience. Now i wanna change job to ad agency, can anyone can give me any advise, how to make a good portfolio? what should i going start? Thanks for your answer !An in-house designer wanna change job to ad agency, but how i gonna prepare a good portfolio?
    Write up your resume, list all the experience that you have along with what software you understand. You need to include a cd of your artwork using Flash, Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator and any other applications you have been using....

    This has to be your artwork, and you need to show the process you used, so save your work at various stages and show what you did and why you chose to do it that way...

    In all honesty, 1.5 years of experience is not very much...did you go to college and finish your degree? If so add that in as it can count towards experience...

    My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?


    I used to work at SONIC.

    I had to skate around.

    I worked here for a year and a half.

    My leg muscles were huge.

    If you're still standing all day at a job, Then the m uscles will stay either way.

    If you're older, it will take less time.

    If you're younger, It will take a few years even.My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?
    It's entirely dependent on how old you are. If your in your late teens or early 20's your muscle keeps it self intact for quite a long time, meaning from year to year you'll lose minimal strength. If your an older guy in his 40s or so then all bets are off, you can lose strength after only a few months.My job has caused me to have muscular legs. How long will the muscles take to shrink now I've changed jobs?
    I used to do a great deal of cycling as a child/teenager. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I have found that my muscular legs have stayed muscular! But this may be different for each individual.
    Be proud of them. Lots of people prefere shapely legs, apparently (I have been told). But if not, then don't be upset, they will go eventually.

    I have HUGE leg muscles- due to years of football, but now I have given up, and am slimming down. The muscles in my arms have gotten a bit smaller already, but I don't know if that means the leg's will.

    Let's hope together! Lol

    (this is 'Leon's' daughter, btw. And all my friends(Male) said they prefere shapely legs to really skinny)
    try jogging for 30 minutes to help tone them in a way you might find more attractive.

    you'll lose excess fat that may be making your muscular legs look bigger than they actually are.
    If you do stretching exercises it will lengthen the muscles and make them look nicer. It may take some time, but you don't want to get rid of them completely because strong, toned looking legs are great.

    If your new job requires you to do no exercise at all then they should start to go over time, but they may start to lose their shape too.

    How to change job if you already have a full time job?

    how to change job if you already have a full time job? If you have to work mon-fri 9-5, how can you go to interview? Most job interviews are during those time. I have never seen job interviews on weekends.

    So if I want to change job, does that mean I have to quit my current job?How to change job if you already have a full time job?
    If you ask for it you will get it! Angel law. Ask if you can come in on a Saturday, before or after hours. A telephone interview. or via PC CAM. Have done it myself before, even getting a job without meeting any one in advance. And it is also possible to apply for a job overseas, when it is ridiculous to fly to and fro to attend interviews.

    Ask and you will receive. Peace.

    I have changed jobs and i dont like it?

    I recently moved to Wales and left my job in personnel. I really hate my new job and wish I could move back. How long should i give it before i move back.I have changed jobs and i dont like it?
    I'd give it at least long enough that you feel like you can do the new job fairly well. At the very least, you can use the skill as a reference later. In the meanwhile you may find that it's not the job you hate, but the newness of your situation.I have changed jobs and i dont like it?
    3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years??? Its up to you, if you hate it, don't wait at all. Move on and enjoy life.
    at least a few months... you may learn that the things you don't like about your job are small things. You could find alot of things you like about it too. Even the people you work with could change your view of your job. Give around 3months so you can settle in.
    You had a reason to leave your job in the first place. Going back to your old job may not be that smart and you will be seen as a loser. Try looking for a newer job, unless your old job is really nice and people there are like a family.
    You don't say why you hate it. However, you have clearly made some big changes to your life, a move to Wales and a new job at the same time. Give things a chance to settle down. Starting a job isn't always a nice experience initially as you are out of your depth and everthing is so new, including the people. Give it a chance - ask yourself what it is you don't like and what can you do about it. I absolutely hated my current job when I started but now I love it - been there four years! Good luck.
    Give it a few months. Changing jobs is stressful enough without the upheaval of moving as well. Give the place a chance before you do something you might regret later.

    I do speak from personal experience. I left a job where I'd worked for 13 years and moved hundreds of miles away from my friends and family. Even though I was a grown man of 30, I was so lonely, depressed and miserable that I cried myself to sleep most nights. Three times I wrote out my resignation and three times friends back home persuaded me not to hand it in.

    But gradually it got better. I got to know my colleagues and found that some of them were actually very nice. Gradually a built up a circle of friends and my confidence started to come back.

    Twenty years later, I look back at that time and realised it was actually a stepping stone to what has been a great and fulfilling career
    Maybe looking for another job where you are now would be easier, if not leave immediately, don't waste time being unhappy, lifes to short.
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